Thursday, January 30, 2014

To the Man who Hit Me

Dear Driver of the Other Vehicle,

I just read the police report.  And... you need to be called out. 

You said you were going 32mph.
---- That, sir is a lie.  My husband is a mechanic, and a very good one at that.  Automotive glass is made to withstand some pressure and harm to it.  It's made to shatter but there is type of coating, if you will, so that when is shatters, it holds together.  Kind of like a puzzle. To bust out that glass completely takes a lot of power, more than 32mph.  Especially when all the people around me said you were going closer to 55mph.

You said that you swerved to miss the van (me) full of kids.
---- That sir, is another lie.  You had almost hit the vehicle in front of me.  People who saw you down on Three Rivers and Klein Road, well before you got to me, said that you were driving erratically and they moved out of your way.  I had no children with me and had not crossed into your lane.  The vehicle in front of me ...well you almost him too.  He saw you hit me.  AS YOU CROSSED over the yellow line.

You were slurring your words.  I can not believe you did not get a citation; a ticket for reckless driving or something..... you live out by a friend of mine; she said you tailgate and are always speeding and all over the road.  She hates it when she sees you behind her.

I know you are young... in your mid-twenties... but you are old enough to know when you are in the right and when you are in the wrong.  You were in the wrong.  Whether you were asleep at the wheel, texting, or inebriated on something... you were wrong.  You lied to the cops.  More than once.  The police report shows your lies.

You could have been killed.  You could have killed me.  Had you killed me, you would have lived with a terrible regret and a lot of emotional baggage the rest of your life.  You would have made my children orphans, motherless.  My husband a widower.  My parents, without their oldest daughter.  My sister, siblingless.  You would have devastated the world of so many.  I am a mom.  I am a wife.  I am a daughter.  I am a sister.  I am a friend.  I am a niece.  A cousin.  I am a church member.  I am a neighbor. 

Shame on you.  I hope that if you ever find yourself in a position of a serious nature like this again, that you be the man you should be; if you mess up - be truthful and own up to it.

Even though you lied to the police, you have lied to your employer.... you have taken our family vehicle and totaled it.  You have caused me great physical pain.  I forgive you.

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