Years ago, I bought an outdoor flag and I loved it. It was a deep midnight blue with a bright white Christmas star on it. Underneath was a small silhouette of the three wise men. It said, "Wise Men Still Seek Him".
I proudly hung it and prayed it would find the right eyes to see it and touch someone's heart.
This morning, my kids begged to watch a little bit of the Bible series for Bible class. So we watched a bit of it. It was at the part (we've been watching it in bits and pieces for a while now) where Jesus is entering Jerusalem for Passover. He's greeted by throngs of people laying down palm branches for him and praising Him. Everything seemed perfect in that moment. The King has arrived and He's treated as such.
In days, however, those in power have devised a way to tear at the fabric of the the One sought. By the end of the week, He'll be hanging on a Roman cross, His body battered and unrecognizable. Those same who proclaimed Him as King and Messiah, spit on Him, cheer or maybe just walk away altogether.
It got me thinking how very much like the crowd I have been in my Christian walk. When I think things are going great, I am hailing and praising my King. When times get tough, I stop following Him, stop laying palms for Him to walk on.
I couldn't get my thoughts to go away from this all day, so I know God is using it to speak to me. I pray it speaks to you, just as my flag did all those years ago.
Do you seek Him? I want to be considered wise.... I need to seek Him.... at all times.
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